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The design of journals, newsletters, magazines, manuals, trade and industrial books is a demanding specialty category. Not all graphic designers feel comfortable with, have a desire to attempt to acquire, or even grasp the intricacy of the skills required. Multi-page design and layout requires a certain patience, clarity and singleness of purpose. The form, regardless of the format, depends on an integrated rendering of function,content and
a consistent adherence to the template style, structure and color palette. The primary goal is always clear readability.


Just as what’s inside is the whole point of the endeavor, the cover is a marquee for the feature articles and the balance of the content inside.
As with any marquee, a mere few seconds to gain the attention of the viewer is the measure of success or failure

Real Estate Business

Bi-montly e-zine

76 University Club of Chicago

Monthly newsletter

Advertising Media Kit

Appraisal Institute

PACE (public transportation)

25th anniversary promo

Consumable Welding Products Catalog –  WMS (sample)

Road Less Traveled

Travel promotion

Living Without

Wellness magazine

Valuation Insights & Perspectives

Association publication

Joint Commission - Environment of
Care® News
– Monthly newsletter

Joint Commission – Environment of Care® Spiral-bound, indexed periodic textbook

Joint Commission – Tools and Resources

Healthcare reference book

Smalley Steel Ring Company

Engineering & Parts Catalog (sample)


Joint Commission – Patient Safety

Spiral-bound, tabbed, pocket-size reference book

Joint Commission – Pandemic

Spiral-bound, tabbed, pocket-size reference book

XXV UPAV Congress
Spiral-bound, tabbed,
pocket-size reference book

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