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When developing an education piece, attention to detail, good clean type choices, effective charts, graphs and thorough proofing, proofing and
more proofing are the key elements.


Most education pieces rely heavily on good, clear expository writing, graphical components and subject hierarchy.


We strive to make the writing not only presentable, but navigable and unobtrusive by following a strict template and a strong color palate.
We add the visual impact that assists both the author and the reader to make the transfer of knowledge enjoyable.


Chicago Teacher
Resource Fair
multi-page outline

Self-guided instruction on utilizing newspapers
& media in classrooms

Promotion detailing the educational advantages
of the school

Promoting Association Designations & Credentials

Corporate Sponsored Education Event to
encourage voting

Complete instructional kit detailing range of privileges available to new members

series detailing how appraisals work

A comprehensive time-line of the growth and accomplishments of an international company


                      Contact us             312.719.4563